Thinking about becoming a member or rejoining us this year? We have loads of great events planned for the year some new, some old and some with a bit of twist. We would love to see you at some of them. As a member you get the opportunity to enter the members only events as well as cheaper entry fees at our open events. All you have to do is fill in our membership form and send it through to us along with payment.
Membership is £20, there is a discount for families wishing to join, the first family member is £20 with any subsequent members at £15 each. You will only be classed as a member of the club once both completed form and payment have been received. Juniors (anyone under the age of 18 on 1st January 2024) is eligible for free membership, a form must still be completed and returned to EDRC.
Completed forms should be posted to EDRC, Red House, Cornley Road, Misterton, Doncaster, DN10 4AY
Alternatively you can email it to membership can be paid either by cash or by bacs transfer using the following details and your name as a reference.
Bank: HSBC Sort Code: 40-20-39
Account Number: 30333697